Sunday, December 4, 2011

Monday Morning Thoughts on Real/Truth 11/28/11

The Thanksgiving holiday has come and gone so I can honestly say that I was reminded of how much that I have to be thankful for. I really don't think I needed the holiday in order to arrive at that conclusion, but it really didn't hurt either. If you know me, you probably already have an idea that I may have a little something on the brain based on something that I may have heard/ seen over the last several days.

I was leaving the job this evening a young man I work with paid me the ultimate compliment telling me that he appreciated me cause I was real. I can honestly say, I know why he would say that because there aren't a lot of REAL people where we work. Which really isn't too much different than the overall world we live in. So I guess it is a pretty accurate reflection of society these days.

So it is to no one's surprise that my thoughts have started to revolve around Real and Truth. The two are really related and it seems so simple but a lot of people just don't know what it means. Lately, I have been having a lot of discussions with my inner self as I continue to maneuver through life. I have reached down deep inside and began to discover a lot more about myself that is ultimately helping me in more ways than I could have ever imagined. I can feel that I am on the cusp of something amazing and after I finish getting all these words off my chest who knows what's next.

Have you ever wondered what the biggest obstacle is for you in life? In my mind it is pretty simple and affects so many other aspects of your life. If we were honest and real with ourselves it would be quite the shock to see how things change begin to change for us.

Think about receiving constructive criticism from someone who obviously knows that you have the potential to do better. They are hard on you often times because you haven't been hard enough on yourself to get the best results.

Think about some of the relationships that you have with people and it seems like the people can't or won't keep it real. It has nothing to do with you, but more to do with them. Those people have trouble being honest with themselves so how could we even expect them to be honest with us.

What is your definition of real? Is your truth what you know, or what you see? Are you being honest with yourself about why you are at your current position in life? Why is it that we avoid the truth? Are we afraid of the truth? Or are we afraid that we may have to change?

I leave you with these questions that I have also asked myself over and over. As you go into this new week and prepare to usher in a new month, I say go forward with a smile on your face! Live life and be amazing as you only get one shot at this thing called life. At the end of the day, be true to yourself and everything will work out as it is supposed to.

“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.”

-Galileo Galilei

“Unless your heart, your soul, and your whole being are behind every decision you make, the words from your mouth will be empty, and each action will be meaningless. Truth and confidence are the roots of happiness.”

“You never find yourself until you face the truth”

-Pearl Bailey

“The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.”

-Winston Churchill

“What you perceive, your observations, feelings, interpretations, are all your truth. Your truth is important. Yet it is not The Truth.”

-Linda Ellinor

“The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it.”

-Ayn Rand

“Risk! Risk anything! Care no more for the opinions of others, for those voices. Do the hardest thing on earth for you. Act for yourself. Face the truth.”

-Katherine Mansfield

“If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair.”

-C.S. Lewis

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