Monday, October 5, 2009

Sunday Reflections Carried Over

Another weekend has come to a close and I can say that I fully enjoyed every minute of it. There were a a lot of fun moments this weekend, and yet there were still other moments that challenged me as a person. Often times my weekend peaks on Sunday as most of my thoughts over the entire weekend come to a head and then I am left with a revelation.

Yesterday, while I was attending church it wasn't the message I received during the service that hit home with me, rather the conversations that took place during Sunday School and after. During Sunday School, the testimony of a young man named Jimmy Lewis was given by his mother. Let me give you a little background about Jimmy and his mother so you can understand how special this young man is. On August 29, 2005 Jimmy and his mother along with other family members were residents of New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina roared a shore. After surviving Hurricane Katrina, Jimmy and his mother relocated to Phoenix, Arizona and essentially started their life over. New school and new environment Jimmy pressed on and ended up becoming an All State football player for Peoria Centennial winning multiple state championships while he was in school.

As I have learned more about Jimmy over the last year, I can clearly see that God is working miracles in his life. Yesterday, while his mother was given his latest testimony about him attending Hargrave Military Academy did tears begin to form in my eyes as I was in awe at the power of God. After graduating from high school, Jimmy had several scholarship offers to play football, but a vision and something on his heart had him directed to attend the Hargrave Military Academy. Jimmy did not have a scholarship to assist him at Hargrave Military Academy to assist with the $29,000 annual tuition. Prior to attending Jimmy and his mother thought that would be able to put together some of the funds and rely on other scholarship sources to assist. All the way up until the day Jimmy was scheduled to make a move to Hargrave Military Academy nothing was lining up and all financial means of assistance appeared to fall through.

Jimmy remained steadfast in his faith knowing that God had a plan for him and he was destined to attend the Hargrave Military Academy and play football. Currently enrolled at the Hargrave Military Academy, Jimmy's full tuition has not been paid but the school has welcomed him with open arms. There is a calling on Jimmy's life and God is using him to do great things. While Jimmy has been in school he has done an amazing job being himself and showing others the God in him. Jimmy's current roommate is an atheist and he has begun to see the God in Jimmy by the way he lives.

I know in my heart that the world will begin to see more of Jimmy on the weekend. He will be on someones football field playing on Saturday for a couple of years and then playing on Sunday. God has a plan for this young man and will use him always because of his unwavering faith.

I could not resist sharing this story, as I am continually impressed by this young man. I would like to think that I was teaching him something, but he is teaching me more than he could ever imagine. Never underestimate the power of God working miracles in your life. On a daily basis we are being prepared to be where God wants us to be. Things that occur in your life may not make sense to you or appear to not be working in accordance with your plan. Just remember that its always been God's plan for our lives and not our own. If we aren't already there, we are moving closer and closer to where we are destined to be based on God's plan.

Now is the time to stop being scared and have the faith to let him lead you to where you need to be.

“Dreams are like may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.”

“I seldom end up where I wanted to go, but almost always end up where I need to be.”

-Douglas Adams

“I have no regrets in my life. I think that everything happens to you for a reason. The hard times that you go through build character, making you a much stronger person.”

-Rita Mero

“I can't control my destiny, I trust my soul, my only goal is just to be. There's only now, there's only here. Give in to love or live in fear. No other path, no other way. No day but today.”

-Jonathan Larson

“It's choice--not chance--that determines your destiny.”

-Jean Nidetch

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