Thursday, May 12, 2011

Christmas Thoughts on gifts 12/25/10

There’s no escaping it, Christmas is here and I can only scratch my head as I look at how fast that this year has gone by. For me there was no waking up to the pitter pat of little feet rushing about the house to the Christmas, but that doesn’t mean that so far this Christmas hasn’t been amazing. While, we all have unique experiences I think I love my life so much as I am always able to experience so much Christmas love from all over the world.

I am not sure what time I went to sleep last night, but it may have been around 9:30 as I woke up to missed text messages from around 9:35 pm. All I know is that around 12:30 am my pop picked up the phone and called me from Germany to wish me a Merry Christmas since he was already celebrating. It was like I wasn’t even tired anymore and we talked for awhile to celebrate the day. After talking to my dad, I was able to catch a few more ZZZZZZs and managed to sleep through the many mass Christmas texts that started rolling in from friends and loved ones on the east coast. I can’t lie that you really feel the love from your family and friends during the holidays especially when you are separated by distance.

Even after not getting some of the things that were on my Christmas Wishlist such as an autographed copy of a Blankman DVD or an Alabama Crimson Tide Snuggie. All jokes aside I couldn't be happier because of the gifts that I have realized not just on this Christmas but everyday that I live. When I talked to my mother today she gave me the greatest gift that I could ever receive in telling me that I was an amazing son, brother and uncle. It was in that moment that I was so very blessed to understand the gift that I have been given and the gift I am to those around me.

So as we think about the gifts that we are giving and receiving this holiday season what is the common theme? I am willing to bet that they all contain care and concern for the recipient. The things that were wrapped were material, but this holiday was about the spirit of giving. There was much more given this holiday season that you could never put a price on. There were phone calls and visits that come this time of year that brighten the lives of so many.

As you prepare to enjoy the rest of this wonderful Christmas holiday, I wish you and your family many blessings now and always. My gift to you always will be my friendship and love as that's the greatest gift that I could ever give. Don't forget that you are on the cusp of amazing, but you have to be willing to give of yourself to get there. Now is not the time to be scared and hold back on the things that you can give to those around you. We can never become the best if we are comfortable in the role of the being best there never was. There's no better time than now!!

So I asked myself a few questions as I prepare to end 2010 and get even better in 2011.

What makes a good gift? What is the greatest gift that you have ever given at any point in your life? What is the greatest gift that you have ever received? Are you willing yo share your gift with others? Are you using your gifts in the right way?

“The greatest gift is a portion of thyself.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Love is, above all, the gift of oneself”

-Jean Anouilh

“The best gift you can give is a hug: one size fits all and no one ever minds if you return it”

“Life is the first gift, love is the second, and understanding the third”

-Marge Piercy

“Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends.”

“I have learned that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange of payment”

-Frances Farmer

“Everyone is gifted - but some people never open their package”

“The greatest gift is to give people your enlightenment, to share it. It has to be the greatest.”


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