Thursday, May 12, 2011

Hump Day Thoughts on New 1/5/11

For most people this is just another Wednesday or the 1st Hump Day of the New Year, but I guess you can say it has another meaning for me. Today is also my 33rd birthday and I can say that only a couple of hours into it I can see that it’s going to be an amazing day. And if you know me at all, you can believe that I am relaxing and enjoying myself with my feet kicked up. The calls and texts that I have received so far have been the perfect gifts that I needed today.(oh and the gift card my brother got me was pretty amazing too) Looking back as a kid growing up I always thought it would take forever to be a certain age, but it seems like the years keep coming faster.

My thirty three years have blessed me with a lot and I am oh so very thankful for my friends, family, and the experiences that have molded me to be the person that I am today. Just when I thought I had 32 figured out, I get to learn about what it means to be 33. That’s probably a normal feeling for most of us, as we leave the old and usher in something new.

A new year has started and set the stage for new opportunities, new changes, new everything, and basically a new you if you take that path. The past is what it is THE PAST, but we can use the experiences, relationships, and people from our past to carry us through the present and to the future.

Some people have this thought that when the New Year hits it means New Year’s resolutions and a new you. And don’t get me wrong it’s not a bad thing as it helps people establish goals and timelines to accomplish things. Often times when we think about something new about ourselves, we tend to think that we have to change something about ourselves. The change we make doesn’t always have to be a big deal, but a simple change of perspective that could bring about a new outlook or even a new view of ourselves. As I mention perspective I have to think about how often we hear others talk about changes that we need to make, but I wonder if they ever thought about changing their perspective on what they see.

So as I prepare to go further into 2011 as a thirty-three year old young man, I asked myself a few questions that may assist with my matriculation into this New Year of my life. I also had to remind myself of the definition of insanity: “DOING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER EXPECTING A DIFFERENT RESULT!” Remember that in this New Year there are some amazing things on the horizon for you and you just have to be ready for them.

What does new mean to me? What do I have that is old? What am I willing to do in order to see something new? Am I even ready for anything new? People? Relationships? Opportunity? Is my past preventing me from embracing anything new?

“The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully have been kindness, beauty, and truth”

Albert Einstein

“What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment. And this is the moment you can choose to make everything new. Right now.”

“All of the top achievers I know are life-long learners... Looking for new skills, insights, and ideas. If they're not learning, they're not growing... not moving toward excellence.”

-Denis Waitley

“Old ways will always remain unless some one invents a new way and then lives and dies for it”

-Elbert Hubbard

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

-Maria Robinson

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”

-C.S. Lewis

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in, forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day, you shall begin it well and serenely...”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

“There are things that we never want to let go of, people we never want to leave behind. But keep in mind that letting go isn’t the end of the world, it’s the beginning of a new life.”

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